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Poems - Page 2

  • 3 cubed

    I thought it was where the crows lived whilst
    looking across the horizon anticipating trouble,
    seeking landfall, plunder, gossip with piracy; but,
    it seems this brawny orb is feeding from the host tree,
    stories circling its stems;  fertile berries feeding 
    Taranis thundering along the trackways; lovers wait.
    Now a raptor flies, the chariot unmanned, stealthily
    sliding past unseeing watchtowers to deliver coercive 
    combat air systems. Scavengers pucker their lips.
    another thing, it doesn’t need to be so binary, either/or,
    this/that, it could be a stained-glass ribbon flowing
    across the tide-line path crunched by serial footsteps
    treading beyond our ken. Or three moments where myths
    cross, retelling some old misunderstanding about them, 
    their kind, our folk; where we blend/manipulate/disguise  
    truth with layers of belonging. So, pause at grief’s worn 
    crossway to swap tears, be wrapped in garments threaded
    with gleanings of displaced kin; rebuilding again, perhaps.
    Spit it out! The muck forced into mouths, spluttering
    as oaths, the toxic mucus crushed up nostrils, specks 
    rammed into eyes held face down in rotting silage
    decomposing matters consigned to forgotten shelves.
    Shake it off! The slurs, slights, sneers, hostile sideways
    glances peering through layers of smutty, grimy silence. 
    Turn over!  Let fresh ideas settle between toes, deepen
    under fingernails as organisms re-nurture and history 
    grows goodness again … ashes to ashes, dust to dust …


    ©  Craig Muir 2021

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.


    First published in Spirit of Fire & Dust https://fireanddust.bigcartel.com/product/spirit-of-fire-and-dust-anthology

  • Ice Wind

    Ice wind


    hits brutally, whipping rumour around the Beacon;

    across the eastern plain, grey cloud smothers debate.


    Blessed are you who weep now,

        for you will laugh.


    Collar up, scarfs tight, thermal beanie pulled hard down,

    glancing East and South; caught between two ill-winds.


    Woe to you who are mocking now,

        for you will mourn and weep.


    On the borders, white noise whispers chilled warnings;

    to the north, numb blue lips discuss choked silence. 




    ©  Craig Muir 2022

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

  • Predator



    I wait. Body still, eyes scanning

    timber shaped onto meadow

    across long shadows. Watching.


    Behind, bare trees merge in

    to ochre, caramel, cinnamon.

    I wait. Body still, eyes scanning


    until, with a flick, a lift, a sweeping

    of long limbs; I shift down the line

    across long shadows. Watching


    the way neighbours gather to begin

    a fresh survey of the butchers’ ground.

    I wait. Body still, eyes scanning


    beyond sunlight steadily rising

    as amber, saffron, yarrow beams

    across long shadows. Watching.


    From the field beyond, a lonely figure

    emerges oblivious to another presence.

    I wait. Body still, eyes scanning

    across long shadows. Watching.



    ©  Craig Muir 2022

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.