Aldermoor Lane
Aldermoor Lane
There is a bend in the road
where once a lane meandered
between hedgerows, gently following
the curve of the land. And, (where now,
we wait for traffic lines to crawl onward)
a gate quietly opened into a meadow
filled with life-giving cattle pasture,
shared with dragonfly, dung beetle,
planthoppers, woodlice, weevil, larva,
foxtail, lady’s bedstraw and buttercup.
There is a bend in the road
where generations rushed through
wrought iron factory gates clocking
in to build transportable life. Growing
Snipes, Hawks, Pigs - access to pastures
new. Until, soft seeds blow into a brownfield
filling with ruderal herbs, scrub; habitat
beloved by bee, wasp, wagtail, slow
worm, common lizard, newt, orchid,
rodent, goldfinch, linnet and kestrel.
There is a bend in the road
where boy racers test tyre-grip
accelerating over fresh tarmac. Where
cartwheels once jolted, we like smooth
traction as we await our familiar entry
alongside suburban imports. Where
pigeons breed under solar panels, and
turdus urbanicus nests in white laurel,
beside sparrow, starling, spaniel feeding
on mowed lawn, by a gently charging Leaf.
© Craig Muir 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Previously published in
and Here Comes Everyone: Green Issue