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  • 7 x 9


    marmite or marmalade

    cordite and carronade

    granite with gingerade


    luddite or lampshade

    zorgite and sexcapade

    website as armstrade


    erudite or esplanade

    respite and reformade

    thwaite by twayblade


    hessite or barricade

    ensuite and readymade

    owenite for fairtrade


    rewrite in gallopade

    stylite and remoulade

    azurite or cavalcade


    termite in tamponade

    requite and promenade

    quirite or matchmade


    tektite with gasconade

    miscite and moonglade

    subsite or starshade


    offsite till croustade

    kunzite and estrapade

    marmite or marmalade




    ©  Craig Muir 2022

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

  • Who are ya?



    It was our Saturday all together.

    Dad, three boys, a city’s expectant roar.

    Routines evolving over each season,

    a passing movement beyond keeping score.

    Match stories full of laughter and despair

    mythically pressed into folklore, and drone

    the names of heroes and their deeds inspired

    by a rumble of hope, or long drawn out groan.


    Dad’s home now, seat taken by our daughters

    texting selfies amongst eager strangers, 

    as the world gathers to watch magicians

    conjure goals from intricate positions

    and discover family joined together 

    by the earthy sound of boot on leather. 



    ©  Craig Muir 2022

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

  • Aldermoor Lane

    Aldermoor Lane


    There is a bend in the road

      where once a lane meandered

       between hedgerows, gently following 

        the curve of the land. And, (where now, 

          we wait for traffic lines to crawl onward)

            a gate quietly opened into a meadow 

              filled with life-giving cattle pasture,

               shared with dragonfly, dung beetle,

                planthoppers, woodlice, weevil, larva,

                  foxtail, lady’s bedstraw and buttercup.


                    There is a bend in the road

                     where generations rushed through

                      wrought iron factory gates clocking

                        in to build transportable life. Growing 

                          Snipes, Hawks, Pigs - access to pastures

                            new. Until, soft seeds blow into a brownfield

                               filling with ruderal herbs, scrub; habitat

                               beloved by bee, wasp, wagtail, slow

                            worm, common lizard, newt, orchid,

                        rodent, goldfinch, linnet and kestrel.


                                      There is a bend in the road

                               where boy racers test tyre-grip 

                  accelerating over fresh tarmac. Where 

                 cartwheels once jolted, we like smooth 

                   traction as we await our familiar entry

                     alongside suburban imports. Where  

               pigeons breed under solar panels, and

              turdus urbanicus nests in white laurel,

        beside sparrow, starling, spaniel feeding

    on mowed lawn, by a gently charging Leaf. 


    ©  Craig Muir 2021

    Creative Commons License
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.


    Previously published in http://www.placesofpoetry.org.uk/poem/100001485/

    and Here Comes Everyone: Green Issue https://hcemagazine.com/product/the-green-issue/