
I wait. Body still, eyes scanning
timber shaped onto meadow
across long shadows. Watching.
Behind, bare trees merge in
to ochre, caramel, cinnamon.
I wait. Body still, eyes scanning
until, with a flick, a lift, a sweeping
of long limbs; I shift down the line
across long shadows. Watching
the way neighbours gather to begin
a fresh survey of the butchers’ ground.
I wait. Body still, eyes scanning
beyond sunlight steadily rising
as amber, saffron, yarrow beams
across long shadows. Watching.
From the field beyond, a lonely figure
emerges oblivious to another presence.
I wait. Body still, eyes scanning
across long shadows. Watching.
© Craig Muir 2022
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.