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Hymns - Page 2

  • Psalm 25 - A Hymn for Yesterday!


    Tune   CM 

    CH4 31 I waited patiently for God

    or RS 441 Belmont

    To you, O Lord, I lift my soul

    In you, my God, I trust.

    Don’t leave me shamed by rivals glee,

    but disappoint their scorn.

    With you, O Lord, I learn new paths

    In you, my God, is truth.

    Led by your hand, kept safe from harm

    I bide each day in you.

    Recall, O Lord, your songs of old

    For you, my God, are grace.

    Forgive my faults from youthful days,

    In kindness hold me fast.

    And as we travel through this life

    God leads us step by step.

    Into the joys of cherished love

    we dance our promised Yes!

    Paraphrase Psalm 25: 1-10

    Craig & Christine Muir 28 Feb 2009

  • Welcome to this child of grace

    At Hallfold this Sunday we shall include within the service a Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child. I am finding that more parents are opting for this service in preference to Baptism as they realise that they are unlikely to fulfill the promises of Baptism. In looking to pick a suitable hymn I became increasingly frustrated with the selection offered by Rejoice & Sing which despite the United Reformed Church's supposed commitment to offering both forms of baptism slants all suitable hymns towards infant baptism.

    I had pondered writing a new hymn for some time and when in June 2005 I was preparing a Thanksgiving for a child called Emma, and remembered that we had a tune called Emma, I decided the time had come. Folk seemed to appreciate it's first airing and so on Sunday we will welcome Millie in word, prayer and song. Please hold Millie and her parents Andy and Nicola in your prayers.

    Metre 7777
    Tune: Emma (R&S 99)

    Welcome to this child of grace,
    Stepping out on holy ground.
    May she know her time and place,
    Ever walk where love is found.

    Take the love that's yours to share,
    Learn together all God's ways.
    Welcome her into your care,
    Let this love enrich her days.

    May God's Spirit give her voice;
    welcome her, give hope, inspire.
    Help her grow to make her choice,
    Speak with wisdom, soul afire

    May God bless where you belong.
    May you glimpse and know God's face,
    Trust God's peace to keep you strong;
    Welcome, Millie, child of grace.

    The name 'Millie' should be replaced by the child's name where appropriate. Where the name is more than two Syllables the final line should be:-

    Welcome now, this child of grace

    Where the name is one syllable :-

    Welcome, name, a child of grace

    © Craig Muir June 2005

    permission is given to copy this text for worship on a non-commercial basis using this acknowledgement and putting a Comment on here to let me know when it has been used.