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Sermon Notes - Page 14

  • Hallfold - Passion Sunday, 9 April 2006

    A Journey into Holy Week

    Introit (Choir & Congregation) Jesus Remember Me

    Sunday Mark 11:1-11

    Hymn 209 Ride on Ride on in majesty

    Monday Mark 11:12-39

    Hymn Inspired by love and anger

    Tuesday Mark 11:27; Mark 12:28-34

    Choir For God so loved the world

    We each have five lolly sticks - write your name on one of them - you have named someone loved by God - now write on the other side and on the other sticks the names of people who are not with us this morning - tell those around you whose name you are writing and ensure that different names are included - add those who are close to you and you want to remember in prayer - each person named is a loved child of God.

    Pray for all named and unnamed.

    Wednesday Mark 14:1-11

    Poem “For the day of Burial” from The Road to the Garden -

    Hymn 207 My song is love unknown 

    - verse 4 ladies, v5 men, v6 unaccompanied

    Thursday Mark 14:12-26


    Mark 14: 32-51

    Choir Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

    Friday Mark 15:21-41

    Hymn 217 When I survey the wondrous cross

    Bound together - our sticks have been bound together to create a field of crosses - for we are bound to one another and to Jesus who died to restore each of us to God. Come later and see who you are bound to, pray for them, be aware of our reliance upon one another and that each person named and those who remain unnamed is a loved child of God.

    Hymn 522 From heaven you came

    Outroit Jesus Remember Me

  • St. Andrew's 2 April 2006

    Short notes for a short to the point sermon as we wanted time at the Ecumenical Church Council to review our mission. But a story about Andrew seemed like a good start for a church named for him ....

    "Trusting God's Promise"
    Andrew - brings people to Jesus - Brother, boy, Greeks, - Scotland, Russia - we are named for him, we bring honour to that naming when we bring people to Jesus.

    Jesus is raised up - on a cross of suffering, to heaven in glory. Our worship, daily lives, church life must reflect the pain and the hope, the despair and the joy, dark and the light - it will be the reality of individual lives - learn to live with hope.

    Future is unknown - we must trust in the light, and that light is Jesus. Nouwen tells a story from a conversation with a trapeze artist So let us stretch out our arms and hands and trust, trust, trust.
    In the meeting that followed ...

     David Bosch concludes that Mission "is the good news of God’s love, incarnated in the witness of a community, for the sake of the world"

    How does our church life tell the good news of God's love?
    In what ways are we incarnated (living, involved) in the witness of a community?
    How much of our church life is "for the sake of the world"?

  • 12 March 2006 - Hallfold

    “On the Way”

    Christian life is a journey, hence there comes a time when we have to move on, try something different, experience God from a different perspective. 

    Jesus has arrived at a new stage of journey - it is time to move away from Galilee - from wandering rabbi - to Jerusalem - political and spiritual engagement. This was the not the deal Disciples signed up to - be fishers of people changes to suffering, rejection, death - Peter complains. Reality of discipleship - deny yourself, take up your cross, follow - lose your own life and be saved.

    Paul reminds us that the faith journey has always been uncertain - it was for Abraham - faith came from willingness to trust, obey, learn, grow - different settings, places, experiences.

    Deny yourselves - contrived for Lent, real life decisions - Norman Kember/Tom Fox/  -  Jamaica -. Fairtrade

    Take up your cross - a revolutionary slogan - confronting fears - action - decision/life’s deal - [visual - remove cross from wall place in middle of congregation to be touched, grasped, confronted] - Here it is in the midst of us, at the heart of our faith.

    Follow - with your fears, doubts, burden, - find life - life with purpose, direction, God’s life, God’s journey - the way of the cross.