26 February 2006, Hallfold & Bamford
Epiphany - revelation of Jesus - child, man, now as the one bringing the past into the future - “My beloved Son - listen to him”
Some see a Resurrection story - a hint at the glory to come - only risen Jesus story in Mark - letting the reader know that it will be alright in the end - but for the disciples more confusion - don’t talk until you understand - never seem to understand
Other see the shadow of the Cross - a reminder of suffering - white robes of martyrs (Daniel) - deny yourself, take up the cross, follow. - be a disciple to one who suffers and calls us to suffer with him! - for the sake of the kingdom, for justice for righteousness we are called to battle the powers of the day - whatever they may be and in whatever context we find ourselves.
On the mountaintop is to dream a dream and to know the struggle that lies ahead - MLK “from every mountainside let freedom ring” - he knew the struggle ahead.
When we come to the mountain top - we are allowed to dream - to have a hint of the future God promises to us - but also to know the struggle that lies ahead.
where people are prepared to take risks for the kingdom’s sake
Is that the church you know? glimpes - but too often self-interest, small-mindedness, fear, inaction, lack of imagination, looking to the past, no self-denial, no taking up of the cross, no following - no discipleship. - kingdom comes by way of the cross.
Go to a mountaintop - consider the future - your discipleship - your willingness to follow Jesus - the path God is calling you to at this time - see the struggle, the self-denial, the cross involved - and may God’s glory be revealed.